Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Peanuts And Pop

her we are in the heat and humidity awaiting the starting of the game.
it was HOT!

Lindy was searching for her boyfriend, who was apparently there with his coach.
she found him

well, we all walked away with heavy hearts and hanging heads.
we lost.
but, at least the other team's line-up looked nice

this is my mother.
isn't she beautiful?

The Speed Of Light

these few frames were captured on the way back from the lake.
{shutter speed: 10 seconds}
{F: 2.8}

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Beware The Loch Ness Monster

a day full of fun on Lake Norman here in a nutshell
these pictures here cost me $5.
i spent $4.99 on a 12 pack of cheep batteries.
the camera i use take four batteries at a time. each set lasted me 20 minutes. for those who can't to the math...thats sixty minutes of shooting time.

waiting around for the boats to arrive
back from their journey out to the deep blue was fun.
once they arrived we played a few rounds of musical boats. not a real game just a bunch of indecisive people attempting to decide where to park their bums.

and we're off, finally!
it was so much fun. the weather was ideal and there was a slight breeze blowing across the lake. not too hot and not the slightest bit humid.

sunsine and blue skies!

we picked up a couple of hitch-hikers
on the way back on the way back. apparently they were dropped by one of the other boats in our crew.

then we happily trudged back to the house after a good, long afternoon on the lake.

after boating, Caroline and i suffered through video games... 'nuff said

we finished off a good day with good eats:
hamburgers, hot dogs, and a motley crew of salads.
too bad i had a cold. i had to enjoy the food vicariously through my sister, telling me how good it tasted.

fun and good time on Lake Norman.