ummm yeah. this is Lindy. ain't she a beauty? and then there is the dog...Mabel by name and veggie by diet. yes, you heard right. my dog eats flowers. this was a very fun shoot. spur of the moment. found some flowers and there you have it folks!
ahhhh... bananagrams. the most funnest game ever. that is, after "apples to apples". so i sat in mum and dad's room playing with half the family. i won two whole rounds! its basically like scrabble but each player builds his own crossword-like board. the first one done...WINS! it is for sale at Borders (R)
there are some beautiful red mums in my backyard. we got them for half price because there was a nest in them. there were baby birds in the nest. they hadnt eaten for 2 days and they are supposed to eat every 30 minutes or so. we rescued them. they are alive. an animal shelter came for them.
this is a massive bundle of black-eyed goodness. =] location: back yard. color: goldenrod. emotion:love it!
i love the colorpurple. i couldn't resist. purple. it had just rained before these shots. water makes a butt load of a difference when shooting flowers. i have done no adjustments after uploading beside some contrast on picasa. this is actually a setting on my camera
i really like that tendon that pops out of my wrist when my hand is in a tight fist! hehe. this is me trying hard to show some sort of emotion... with out the use of my face. grrr. anger >:/